Our Story

So, How'd We Get Our Start?

Funny story (not so funny to our sister)

You know how some weddings are nightmares? Well, our sister's was on the verge of becoming one. You see, the high-dollar caterer she booked for her wedding in Chicago backed out a month before the wedding (city people, huh?)

We saved the day with our family's way of sharing love - through our food. We packed our finest serving duds (as seen in the picture above), jumped on planes, designed the menu, cooked our hearts out, and even made fancy garnishes, all at our uncle’s BBQ place in Milwaukee WI. Then we drove the meal to Chicago & knocked everyone’s socks off!

Even the in-laws admitted that they were impressed.

The guests loved our food so much, they asked us to cater their events, too.

And Vicious & Delicious was born!